How it started
In 2022 Essex County Council opened the Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities 2023-2026 application and asked providers how they would respond to the recommended improvements. Locally trusted organisations started to work together on a combined partnership and a new model. Applications were evaluated by Short Breaks Commissioners, Essex Family Forum, and 24 parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
In 2023 SEND Sensation were awarded contracts to start introducing the new model from 1st April 2023. The partnership was formed to provide Short Breaks Community Clubs and Activities in Mid Essex and North Essex from:
- Abberton Rural Training
- Disability 4 Sport
- Happy Hill Essex
- Independence Project
- InterAct
- Mistley Kids Club
- SENtre Essex

Why it’s needed
SEND Sensation has come together to provide venue-based clubs and community-based activities with specialist staff and facilities to support children and young people with learning disabilities and autism, physical and sensory impairments, and special educational needs and disabilities. Our model is based on a centrally managed delivery programme that combines professional experience with lived experience to dynamically evolve this service through co-production, co-operation, and a combined effort to change the landscape of community clubs and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our collective aims are to engage with individuals and families for:
- #LocalAccess to community clubs with a choice of locations, times and age-specific activities that encourage social, independent and safe environments,
- #AccessibleNavigation of family journeys with easy registration, advice and peer support that encourages friendly, informed and positive relationships,
- #PositiveChange to mainstream providers through awareness, training and partnership that encourages adaptive, confident and inclusive communities.

Our Expert Directors
Director & Disability 4 Sport Partner
Director & Independence Project Partner
Director & SENtre Essex Partner
Director & Happy Hill Partner
Director & Mistley Kids Club Partner
Director & InterAct Partner